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Unlock the Secrets to a
Deep Connection
and Fulfilling Relationships

It's time to re-ignite the spark
and rekindle the passion
in your relationship

Enroll in the Rediscover Intimacy online course, where you'll embark on a transformative journey to reignite passion and intimacy in your relationships. Led by renowned OB-GYN and relationship coach, Dr. Catherine Hansen, this comprehensive course is designed to empower you to cultivate deeper connections and experience greater fulfillment in your romantic life.

If you are feeling...

“I just want to, ‘WANT TO’, again.”
“I would do ANYTHING to not have to have sex with him, I’m so tired.”
“It’s just the last thing on my list, another thing ‘to-do’ at the end of a long day.” Almost half the female population experiences these quiet concerns & most think they’re alone... You are NOT alone!

Does your relationship need CPR?

You have come to the right place—Dr. Hansen is here to help! It’s time to re-prioritize your relationship and reconnect with your partner so you live a life full of passion, confidence and deep intimacy.

Declare the importance of your relationship and actually DO something about it.

It’s what you yearn for, it’s what he craves and it’s ground zero for a purposeful life! You’re not crazy, it’s your biology

There are 5 stages of relationships, which one are you in? Start Rediscover Intimacy RIGHT NOW to reconnect with your sensuality!

What emotion runs under the surface of every argument you’ve ever had and why HE feels that way - is there a female viagra? (Hint: Yes, but you don’t need it)! Your intimate relationship and the ways you “tap in” with him at home will ripple into all aspects of your life. It's time to nurture this love so it can be a well spring of creativity and joy!

Now is the time to...

Own your power in your life & relationship
Learn what motivates your partner and why
Reconnect on ALL levels
Have the sex you've been craving
Find your authentic self-confidence
Re-ignite the spark & rekindle the passion

You deserve a relationship full of passion & connection!

What To Expect From The Online Course!

Dr. Hansen shares openly the stories of women who walk into her office feeling broken and leave with an illumed awareness that lights the path to a deeply loving marital bond.

In five weeks, you will go from feeling disconnected from your partner and lost in your relationship to confident and sexy in a revived relationship full of hope, love, laughter and passion.

Week 1: Rediscover YOU
Week 2: Rediscover (or uncover) him
Week 3: Conquer or Submit
Week 4: Sex & Sustainability
Week 5: A Legacy of Love

Are you on a quest to find your inner sexy? Dr. Hansen shares openly the stories of women who walk into the office feeling broken and leave with an illumed awareness that lights the path to a deeply loving marital bond.

Utilizing transparency and humor about her own marriage to an astronaut...

She explores the male brain, the relationship dynamic, couple communication and the truly sexy stuff that opens the door for couples to re-ignite their passion.

What You'll Learn:
  • Understand the fundamentals of intimacy and its importance in relationships.
  • Explore techniques to enhance communication and foster emotional connection.
  • Discover strategies to reignite passion and intimacy in your relationship.
  • Learn practical tips for overcoming common challenges and barriers to intimacy.
  • Access expert guidance and support from Dr. Catherine Hansen throughout the course.

Why Choose Rediscover Intimacy:
  • Dive deep into the science and psychology of intimacy with expert-led modules and actionable exercises.
  • Benefit from Dr. Catherine Hansen's 20+ years of experience in OB-GYN and relationship coaching, as she provides personalized insights and support tailored to your needs.
  • Join a supportive community of like-minded individuals on a similar journey towards rediscovering intimacy and building fulfilling relationships.
  • Access the course content anytime, anywhere, and at your own pace, making it convenient to fit into your busy schedule.

Here Are The Course Bonuses:

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But That's Not All!

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Here Are A Few Testimonials!

Couple in Field
"For me, Rediscovering Intimacy really is the key!
I’ve finished all the modules now,
and I’m filled with the desire
to have a fuller relationship with my husband."

Frequently Asked Questions

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