Reclaim Your Life
Midlife is More than Menopause
Mid-life tends to bring a vivid realization that
the second half of life could be different.

Sometimes this is accompanied by a sense of
that you need to
shake things up,
shift priorities,
and carve out more time & space in your life
to find and follow they joy.

This is your one precious life
Meet Dr.Catherine Hansen
When I was 30, I took an oath to heal patients to the best of my abilities.
For me, that meant closing my successful OB/GYN practice to better serve patients—mid-life women need more than a yearly 15-minute visit.
In my 20+ years working with midlife women, I have seen they are in search of more than a prescription. Yes, they want to manage their menopause symptoms, but they also need a safe space & supportive community to help them work towards being happy, healthy & fulfilled.

There is more for you in this lifetime...
Professional women are exhausted and overwhelmed—enough is enough!

Now is the time to take control
Tap into a wellspring of credible resources to cultivate energy and vitality.
Feel your desires and realize your dreams.
It's time to put yourself on the list—if not now, when?
Live your life on YOUR terms...finally!
I guide busy, ambitious women to be healthy in body, mind, and soul so they live vital and purposeful lives.
Move from exhaustion and overwhelm to energy and optimism (yes, you can!)
Explore your core values and how they guide your decisions
Reconnect to your sense of purpose and use it to make life simpler, less cluttered
Exude radical self-confidence
Be real, authentic and unapologetically YOU
You're not just a body, you're also a mind and a soul—integrate the whole for
a deeply fulfilled life
Understand what's happening to your midlife body, why and what you need to do about it
Deepen marital intimacy and re-ignite passion in your relationship—at any age or stage
Feel great in your body—embrace your inner (and outer) sexy
Own your life!
Be the radiant woman you were meant to be, inside & out.
It's time to put yourself first
Tangible lifestyle changes to re-center, re-align and re-awaken your inner beauty
Manage the madness of menopause
Unleash your full potential in mid-life and beyond
Live with intention, focus and direction
Stop saying ‘yes’ when you mean ‘no’
Feel the unwavering support of a sisterhood doing life alongside you
Workshops for awakening women who want to elevate:
their personal well-being,
the beautiful transition to midlife &
the relationship with their intimate partner

Reclaim Your Life
Be whole-heartedly well in
body, mind and soul.

Meaningful Menopause
Managing the madness while making meaning in mid-life

Rediscover Intimacy
Own your inner sexy and reignite the passion in your relationship.
And a Community for professional women
The Empowered Women's Circle

Facilitated by Dr. Catherine Hansen & Milisa Burns, the EWC membership is a combination of online learning content, virtual group coaching sessions and guided progress toward personal dreams and aspirations.
No matter how big or small your vision, this community will help you work towards it.
"We cannot become ourselves, by ourselves."
-Claire Zammit PhD, Founder Women-Centered Coaching Institute

Are you ready to shake things up?
Don't do it alone!
"Dr. Hansen delivers content that is vitally important for women to feel their best..."
"Dr. Hansen’s guidance, wisdom, insight, energy and deep caring felt like a journey inward. Awakened by her profound knowledge and passionate engagement of the audience, I am personally transformed. Life now has deeper meaning, joy, peace and promise. For this I am deeply grateful."