I invite you to watch this 2 minute movie clip from Eat, Pray, Love where Julia Robert's character, Elizabeth Gilbert, indulges herself with a sensual purchase and enjoys a peaceful moment cooking & eating breakfast in the sunlight.
The savouring moment was on the menu for our Replenish Community Experience 2 weeks ago and was such a yummy treat!
What did you FEEL?
When did you last experience this level of deep pleasure and joy?
What are some things (past, present or dreaming) that bring you this level of peace, calm and inner joy?
For me it’s a reminder of the smell of my mother’s Chanel #5 when she was going out dancing (her winged black eye-liner was another tip-off!).
Or the taste of a juicy peach in the middle of an Ontario summer.
And the beautiful sound of a cardinal – anywhere, anytime – brings me directly back into full presence in my life.
What does the phrase Dolce Far Niente - "The sweetness of doing nothing" mean to you?
For Elizabeth Gilbert, it means enjoying the process of preparing a delicious Italian breakfast and savouring it, under a ray of sunshine.
She’s not shoveling food in her mouth & rushing out the door.
She’s not checking her overloaded inbox.
She’s not taking care of anyone except herself.
Just like Elizabeth Gilbert reveals to us in this indulgent movie clip—you are the source of your own replenishment.
Can you think of 1-2 ways to reclaim a moment of bliss in your everyday life?
What would that look like for you?
Would it be worth it to you?
It’s been proven over and over again that people who take moments for joy are more PRESENT, creative, innovative, productive, self- compassionate, self-loving, and, well, honestly, have more fun!
This summer in the Empowered Women’s Circle,
we will practice more of these embodied experiences,
embedded into your powerful and productive lives
so that you can open up to greater ease, flow, joy & replenishment.
This summer, we invite you to focus on
re-connecting with the pulse of life and sourcing replenishment
through the gateway of your 5 senses to experience
the precious moments of joy & pleasure, day to day.
Join us for a soul nourishing summer alongside the EWC Community—we start Thursday May 12th and membership will close after the 2nd session on Thursday May 26th!